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Realtor Shelie Group

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Kai Martinez
Kai Martinez

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The Avalia Technology touch screen scales factor and weight report software calculates these performance parameters on a vehicle based on the driver's weight and a particular vehicle's configuration. This report can be tailored to make it compatible with the user's desired version of the SunPass Express or VersaPort(R) mobile applications.

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Laser-based imaging systems provide the highest quality and resolution when taking pictures of a car. Image capture software enables the use of state-of-the-art technology. By recording the position of the car, the software is able to improve future images by capturing all the damage to the area.

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Because it uses a users' location to determine the local time, it is important to know the time zone of the location where the app is running. Astroinstruments app is a software app for all astronomical instruments, including the battery powered Orion StarShoot, ESO Sky Survey, and Zeiss Planets. Astroinstruments can be used to both manually or automatically track celestial objects.


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